May 20, 2015
highway  kitten
emokitty411 says: he was a stray cat I almost tame him he wanted attention but he will bite me or scratch me but I had to take him around town
Photo Courtesy of and ©: emokitty411

Comments and LOLs:
emokitty411 -
gold star pointsgold star partial points
43 points
miss him he like to bulling our cats and tried to get my girl cat tinkerbell and have sex she was scared at least she is fixed like my other cats are :D
Natthecat -
gold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten points
∞ points
Okay. I misunderstood how many kitties you have. Highway was probably ungrateful and you have to protect those you love. Highway, you naughty boy! But stunning.
emokitty411 -
gold star pointsgold star partial points
43 points
amycats -
gold kitten points
641 points
I hope "Highway" stays off the highway when he goes around town!
myrtlecat -
gold star pointsgold star pointsgold star pointsgold star partial points
96 points
Pretty cat, strays can be a little fresh sometimes. Hope you got him fixed as well, that will calm him down a bit.
Carolynn -
black kitten pointsblack kitten points
347 points
I've adopted a few stray kitties myself over the years and I've found that having them sterilised,giving them a tiny fish treat now and then and giving them lots of love and soon they stop biting and scratching and learn to trust! All the Best with Highway,he looks like a mischievous kitty*
KittyMama -
gold star pointsgold star points
52 points
Aw, bless you for adopting him!! I have 12 feral kitties. All fixed but Mama whom I can't catch. Many are somewhat tame now. Just takes time. Keep loving him and he will get more tame. He's a beautiful cat.
elly -
gold kitten points
866 points
Keep going, it cost me about 4 years to tame my grumpy and scared stary, but she grew into a lovely loudly purrer and stayed with me until she recently went over the rainbow bridge at the ripe age of about 18

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