Henrik says: I took these pictures approximately 2 ½ years ago. The kittens all belongs to our next door neighbour. This was the first time we saw them outside. We where out in the garden, when all of a sudden they started to come through the hedgerow. Seven of them in all! Quite a show actually :-) . I grabbed the camera and started shooting. They tumbled around for a good half hour before returning back to their own garden. Our neighbours kept three of the kittens and managed to find new homes for the rest of the litter.
All Photos Courtesy of and ©: Henrik Lauridsen
Henrik is a talented photographer from Copenhagen, Denmark, with some wonderful photo sets on Flickr ~ please check them out!

Comments and LOLs:
elly -
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gold kitten points
866 points
Lovely babies ! So glad they all found a home.
elly -
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gold kitten points
866 points
United we stand....
kittysmama -
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gold kitten points
765 points
love this little face on this girl. they are all sweet kittens.
Natthecat -
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gold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten points
∞ points
Find Wally, the camouflage kitty!
crashnandicoot -
gold star pointsgold star pointsgold star pointsgold star points
116 points
beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing.
michelleski -
black kitten points
187 points
mma -
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gold kitten pointsgold kitten points
1405 points
I love all the pics, this one especially showing the tree growth rings and the wonderful tabby markings of the kitten!
Golfergirl55 -
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gold kitten points
568 points
Such sweethearts!!
TigerPJ -
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gold kitten points
893 points
Kittens at play - it doesn't get any better than that!! So glad you captured their happy playtime. They are all very lovely. ;-)
shana0809 -
black kitten pointsblack kitten points
309 points
What brave explorers
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really super shots!!! really cute kitties!! well done!
jezebel1490 -
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black kitten pointsblack kitten pointsblack kitten points
477 points
Wow, what a nice surprise! Gorgeous pictures :)
Gabby -
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black kitten pointsblack kitten pointsblack kitten points
398 points
These are wonderful pictures - it's wonderful to see these little soul wonders in the nature, prowling, testing, being their little natural selves - although of course we know they wouldn't last long out there. Thanks for sharing!!!
judymack812 -
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gold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten points
∞ points
All the pictures are beautiful but this little guys expression touched me.
amycats -
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gold kitten points
641 points
Beautiful one!
Atticus' Mom -
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This little girl remind me of a sweet & beautiful cat currently at our local shelter...the shelter kitty is named Violet. Very sweet girl. She'll get adopted quickly.
ln -
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black kitten points
161 points
what a cute little explorer

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