calicocatfan says:
Valkyrie came to me last September, 2022 about 3 weeks after our Sarajevo crossed the Rainbow Bridge. The back story I was told about her was that she was abandoned as a kitten at an apartment complex and was adopted by a young couple who made sure she was vetted and had a good home. Unfortunately for the kitty, the couple broke up and the young lady was now faced with all the expenses, including pet rent, with half the salary. She contacted the shelter that I used to foster for when I lived in the Pittsburgh area to surrender the kitty. The kitty did not fare well in the shelter. She refused to eat or leave her cage (it is a cageless shelter) to socialize. Her weight dropped to 5 pounds and the shelter manager was afraid the kitty would not survive so she contacted me to see if I would adopt her. How could I say no? She arranged transportation from the Pittsburgh area to Southeast Tennessee and Valkyrie (she was named Ladybug at the time) arrived around 3 am the next morning. Any fears of her adapting to Tennessee were quickly put to rest. Kyrie immediately snacked on the food I had put out for her in my isolation room. The next morning when I went to check on her, she walked right out of the room to explore her new home, immediately taking over. Valkyrie is extremely affectionate and loves all people. She is very playful and was quite the handful for poor Freyja (former feral) until Luci Fur entered the picture this past April. Valkyrie is now about 2 years old and weighs 11 pounds. I do think she has been misnamed though as she has made it known that "She who will not be ignored" suits her to a "T".
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