June 4, 2023
calicocatfan says: Luci was corned in a back yard by a friend's Great Dane. The doggo woofed until her fiance came out and found the kitty. He said the doggo was actually afraid of the cat, which I believe. They checked to see if she was chipped and tried to find her owner to no avail. They were afraid the doggo would hurt her, not intentionally but because of the size difference they were afraid of an accidental injury. We made arrangements for me to foster the kitty while we looked for a home. I was not in the market for a new cat since we lost our Hemi after 20 years this past March. Well, Luci had other ideas. She made sure she catered to my husband who missed his lap kitty when she wasn't playing with everything and anything. She and Valkyrie play together now which is a relief to Freyja who prefers to be alone. Needless to say, Luci is my second foster fail but I think she knew that the minute I picked her up from my friend's house. She immediately made herself at home here, she knew she was permanent even if we didn't. Our vet says she is about 1 year old so she shouldn't get much bigger. She only weighs 6 pounds which is the perfect size for my husband's lap. She has now had all her shots and next week she gets to go in to be spayed. I can't believe that such a sweet, loving cat would be dumped but unfortunately around here that is common.
All Photos Courtesy of and ©: calicocatfan

Comments and LOLs:
KC -
Kitten Comment Thumbnail
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gold kitten points
821 points
what a beautiful girl. Indeed, how anyone could have dumped her is a mystery. Glad she is happy and healthy in your loving home.
MissyRosler -
gold star pointsgold star pointsgold star pointsgold star points
106 points
I love foster fail stories because it means that the foster parent has an extra big heart, which I think the world could use way more of! Or it's just a really awesome, unique cat, which is good too! Makes my soul smile!
MissyRosler -
gold star pointsgold star pointsgold star pointsgold star points
106 points
Or both!
Sepp -
LOL Thumbnail
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bronze star pointsbronze star pointsbronze star points
3 points
Sepp -
bronze star pointsbronze star pointsbronze star points
3 points
She is so beautiful

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