February 4, 2021
Lauren says: I adopted Ernie (formerly Abu) from a shelter just outside of Boston. He was a little shy when I first took him out of his cage, but soon enough he was jumping around and exploring. His favorite toys are tinfoil and string, and he loves seafood (especially salmon and tuna). He loves to nap all day (in between play-times) and his favorite spot to sleep is on a fleece jacket on the floor, right next to the bed I purchased for him. :)
All Photos Courtesy of and ©: Lauren Perez

Comments and LOLs:
texasmom -
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black kitten pointsblack kitten pointsblack kitten points
470 points
such a sweet face
Natthecat -
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gold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten points
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Dear Ernie --I f you only knew how much I adore your grey tabbiness. So soothing to the eye and THE color of the last few years. You are so precious in both your names.
Natthecat -
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gold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten points
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Sleep wherever you want, Ernie.
Natthecat -
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My only objection is that collar! Why is it so thick around his neck? But I do love his tiny pink tongue sticking out.
judymack812 -
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Erie the little silver ghost! How lovely you are!
KatvVonV -
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black kitten points
225 points
Erie is a little silver tabby with frosty grey fur. He is so cute and cuddly looking. Hope he stays out of the tin foil though.
OpheliasMom -
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gold star pointsgold star partial points
39 points
Like @Natthecat, I too question the need for any collar on a cat, unless they are being taken for a walk outside. I've only had indoor cats, so have never seen the need for one. Thoughts? Having written this, I must say that Ernie's colouring is stunning, and he has such an adorable face. Love him to bits!
Cat Daddy -
OpheliasMom - depending on where you live, they may need a flea collar to help combat fleas. We live in central Florida and lost a cat to fleas - still miss our little Snicker Doodles a lot! We didn't notice her having problems until she started going downhill - and a blood transfusion was way out of our ability to pay for. Trying to keep our cats from suffering from fleas is a daily chore.

Some areas are worse than others. Central Florida is notorious for flea outbreaks (and the Florida fleas are VERY hard to fight off!).
Cat Daddy -
I should add - our kitties sometimes get past us when we come in the door. Having a collar and tag means that at least people know the cat isn't feral or a dropoff. If you can afford a chip, as long as they don't try to give the chip and their vaccines in the same spot, that's even better.
katzenmother -
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gold kitten pointsgold kitten points
1030 points
Looks like the most mellow little dude. Love his pearl gray coat too.

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