February 4, 2022
Jill says: Mabel is a sweet little ginger tabby. She came as a foster when she was about five weeks old and stayed for a little over a month. She came from a wild cat colony that was living in a barn outside of the city. She and another older kitten came into the Fredericton SPCA shelter, but the man who owned the barn was unable to catch Mabel's mom or any of the other cats.

When we first took her home she was so scared that she cowered in her kennel for the first day or so. Eventually she got braver and came out to eat and play a little bit. By the end of the week she was running around and playing all the time. No more hiding!

Mabel's favourite toy was a feather boa on a stick. She used to drag it around the apartment and growl at the other cats. Pretty cute! Mabel is now back at the FSPCA and we hope she finds a home soon! Her transformation from a scared, wild kitten to a fun little girl with tons of personality was incredible! She will no doubt make a great companion for someone!

All Photos Courtesy of and ©: jillhudgins

Comments and LOLs:
KC -
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gold kitten points
806 points
What a little darling. It's always distressing to read that they have been returned to the shelter after being fostered. I do hope she has now found a forever loving home.
judymack812 -
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gold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten points
∞ points
Yes I know! I would like to hug you also!
txmomlovell -
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black kitten pointsblack kitten points
330 points
she looks so sweet
Stonewall -
black kitten pointsblack kitten pointsblack kitten points
482 points
Just look at her in the NOW! I cannot imagine her not being the subject of a bidding war by serious cat lovers who recognize true beauty and spirit when they see it.
Mabel has all of the attributes in spades!
Wake up local kitty people in Mabel's area! You are missing out on one of natures loveliest.
KatvVonV -
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black kitten points
225 points
Looks like little Mable played with that feather on a stick until she was tuckered out. I hope she was adopted and that she got to keep her favorite toy.

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