June 29, 2024
Eva says: Cisco was rescued from near death on New Year's eve. He was very weak, unconscious, not eating, and hardly breathing. For some two days things were very bad. Then, after getting some fluids, special a/d food squirted in his mouth, lots of love, and good wishes, he slowly began getting better. After four days he seemed out of the woods and I took him to Jill, a loving foster mom who works from home. Jill has Cisco firmly on the road to health and happiness, with the help of her cats Julius, Gaius, Bogart, and Ma. She reports that he eats voraciously and loves hugs! He has also gained lots of weight. His litter box use is not always successful but he tries. All the other cats are fascinated by him. They lick him, hug him, and are totally in love. She also says that Cisco looks at Ma as a 12-year-old kid would look at Marilyn Monroe! I don't show his pics at his worst out of respect and sadness. Honestly I thought he wasn't going to make it.
All Photos Courtesy of and ©: Jill Nelson and eva101
Jill Nelson is a professional photographer based in New York and specializing in head shots, portraits, and work for the art and entertainment industry;
please visit Jill's Web site to see her stunning photos
Eva and Jill currently volunteer for and support Friends of Animal Rescue

Cisco [7]  kitten
Cisco [7]  kitten
Cisco [7]  kitten
Cisco [7]  kitten
Cisco [7]  kitten
Comments and LOLs:
KC -
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gold kitten points
809 points
Beautiful boy! So glad he made it!!
Cathlee -
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gold star pointsgold star pointsgold star partial points
70 points
Cisco is a beauty. I am glad he recovered and has such loving cat friends.
texasmom -
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black kitten pointsblack kitten pointsblack kitten points
473 points
such a handsome boy

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