January 31, 2012
Kirk says: Cosmo was left alone outside of the local Humane Society when he was a six-week-old kitten. He was discovered in the brush by a HS volunteer when a dog started to bark at him. Luckily he was able to nurse from a calico mommy with a litter of kittens that were just about the same age as him. We adopted him when he was eight weeks old. At first we wanted to have Cosmo as an indoor cat, but he was determined to go outside and was going stir crazy in the house. So we finally gave in when we thought he was old enough and let him be an indoor/ outdoor cat. He's a spirited and mischievous kitty that spends much of his awake time outdoors (unless it's raining, snowing, cold, or windy). He's friendly most of the time, but can get quite grumpy and be a serious pest when he's hungry. He's less afraid of water than the average cat. His very favorite treat is whipped cream, followed by turkey, tuna, and chicken. His favorite activities are hunting, eating, and sleeping. When he's stuck inside he resorts to hunting my nine-year-old son and four-year-old daughter!
All Photos Courtesy of and ©: Kirk M. aka Kirpernicus

Comments and LOLs:
rileymama -
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gold star pointsgold star partial points
47 points
I'm gonna bite you with my needle-y kitten teeth!
amycats -
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gold kitten points
641 points
Cosmo's character coming through!?
MomcatSooma -
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gold kitten points
930 points
Cosmo would like you to know that he was never abandoned. He knew exactly who needed him, and precisely how to get to them. He appeared at the Humane Society as if he were and abandoned little guy who needed help and then when you appeared ~ voila! ~ he came out of his shell and all but forced you to fall in love. What a marvelous little guy he is! He will raise your children well.
MissyofMissylandia -
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gold kitten points
780 points
Serious hunter :-)
CareAboutCats -
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black kitten pointsblack kitten points
326 points
A beautiful kitty. I so wish you would keep him inside. He will live much longer as an inside cat. Blessings to Cosmo & you & your family!
mrskitton -
gold kitten points
584 points
He is such a handsome boy! But please do be careful with him outdoors....I don't want to hear that he ran away or worse.....
mma -
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gold kitten pointsgold kitten points
1405 points
Cosmo is SO cute and lucky he found you.
Reg -
What a handsome guy! Love his curly coat!
Lynnie -
What an exceptional cat Cosmo is:):):)
Natthecat -
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gold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten points
∞ points
Cosmo is licking his chops! What a cute little guy. I also love his concentration as an ant hunter. He's got that spirit.
Natthecat -
gold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten points
∞ points
Well, my comment did not go through--wish I knew why. Will try again.
darina -
gold star pointsgold star pointsgold star partial points
72 points
i love this story...great way to describe this little guy..he's adorable
BirmanMama -
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gold kitten points
951 points
So much innocence ... "who, ME?"
jhooty58 -
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gold star pointsgold star pointsgold star pointsgold star partial points
95 points
Who could resist such a loveable kitten as Cosmo? So sweet and innocent looking; I can see why he captured your love.
Snowysmom -
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black kitten pointsblack kitten pointsblack kitten points
395 points
Cosmo is adorable, and I'm so glad he was saved. But please keep him inside - it's so much safer!
mairaferrari -
silver star pointssilver star pointssilver star pointssilver star partial points
16 points
Cosmo is just... OMG!!! I'm in love!
Shirley -
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black kitten pointsblack kitten points
267 points
Such a pretty boy! Be careful with letting him outside. It is so dangerous for kitties to roam free. Love him and he will give you back twice the love.
cpneale -
black kitten points
163 points
He is just too cute!!
Nefenjo -
gold star pointsgold star pointsgold star pointsgold star partial points
84 points
To everyone pleading for him to be an indoor-only cat: Yes, indoor cats live longer than indoor-outdoor, who live longer than outdoor-only. It may give you a few extra years with the cat, but what good is that time when the cat is unhappy for all of it, because all he wants is to be outside? I have a cat similar to this one; he goes stir crazy when he can't go out. In a human analogy, most deathly accidents occur outside the home; is that any reason to stay locked indoors for your entire life? Not EVERYONE lives in a tight-packed suburban neighborhood right off the road - just because the kittens' owner didn't specify how much land they own (and sometimes even when they do), it's not "fair" to make inherent assumptions about the tragic deaths awaiting indoor-outdoor cats.

Ok, I'm getting off my soapbox now...
pamaro54 -
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black kitten points
183 points
Seedbleyah -
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gold star pointsgold star partial points
38 points
So Cute! Fearless in the face of wet danger! Love the name "Cosmo". Enjoy every "stalking" moment with him!
amalbici -
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black kitten points
189 points
I love the colourings on Cosmo, he's so cute and mischievous .... !!!
JayPea -
black kitten points
234 points
Bravo, Nefenjo! I was thinking that exact same thing. I love cats very much, but if a cat decides he is an outdoor cat, it is a much crueler fate to force him to be miserable indoors. I know because I have a beautiful boy who absolutely hates to be indoors. He sits by the door and cries. He has actually scratched gouges in our door trying to get out. It is just like my kids - I knew they were "safer" in they stayed home, but what kind of a life would I have given them if I never let them roam?
Lgoaliefan -
black kitten points
143 points
What a gorgeous kitty Cosmos is! All of the pictures are beautiful! Many years of happiness to you. Thank you for rescuing this little one....
demiller -
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black kitten pointsblack kitten points
295 points
demiller -
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black kitten pointsblack kitten points
295 points
demiller -
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black kitten pointsblack kitten points
295 points
kibblegirl -
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gold kitten pointsgold kitten points
1057 points
Cute little baby boy. Sweet face in this picture!
lbreyen -
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gold star pointsgold star pointsgold star partial points
65 points
What a great tiger cat! so handsome & love his independent streak! I am an advocate of cats being FREE to go in & out - unless living too close to high traffic roads or other dangerous situations. I realize not every cat lover is in agreement, but I support it. So glad you are giving this little fellow what he wants. Enjoy!
itigger2 -
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black kitten pointsblack kitten points
277 points
SO adorable and he looks like very energenic
wokkawokka -
black kitten points
229 points
I love this little baby! I would gladly let him hunt me all day long.
Petlovergirll -
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My sister has an orange tabby she named "Cosmo" because our dad loved Seinfeld and we wanted to remember dad. I'm curious why you chose to name your cutie Cosmo?

Your kitty loves whipped cream - My kitty George loves to lick Cool Whip off my finger each morning when I make my coffee. So cute!!
Mzkabibble -
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black kitten points
170 points
Mzkabibble -
black kitten points
170 points
What an adorable little kitten!!!
Buzzy -
gold star pointsgold star pointsgold star pointsgold star partial points
99 points
Sweetie cat!
GoblinsMom -
silver star pointssilver star pointssilver star pointssilver star partial points
17 points
So cute!

I, too, however, prefer hearing about cats being kept indoors. Not to start arguments, but it's not just cats in tightly packed suburban or city areas that are in danger. Kitties living in rural and sparsely populated areas are just as much at risk, but from nature instead of man-made dangers. I live in a rural/mountain area and lost my very first kitty ever to a coyote :(

So the request to keep kitties indoors isn't just to keep them out of traffic, away from dogs and away from bad people who would try to kill them. It's to keep them safe from nature as well. I know that domesticated cats were not always so and still retain great hunting, fighting, and defense skills, but why take the risk of having kitty cornered by a wild animal (or group of them) or other, purely natural and wild dangers, if you can protect them and keep them fairly happy inside? Many cats who began life as outdoor-only or indoor/outdoor cats do eventually take to indoor-only life and are fine with it. It helps to have room for them to run and play, and interact with them, though not every cat will accept this life.

Anyway, again, not trying to start fights, but the request/suggestion to keep cats indoors is not only reasonable, it is also not a presumption that the cat and cat owner live in a largely populated, highly trafficked area. Of course every owner has the choice, but most of us making the suggestion are doing so due to either having lost a beloved friend ourselves or knowing someone who has, and who don't want that same tragedy to befall others if it can be avoided. It is a truly heart-wrenching experience for the human, and as for the cat ... well. To say it’s awful is an understatement.

Why not at least try to prevent easily-preventable outdoors-related deaths? If a cat really truly cannot handle it (but give the effort serious time before giving up), then make the decision to try indoor/outdoor. But why not try for safety first? It’s reasonable, it’s logical, it may very well lead to a longer, healthier, and happier life for the cat in the end.

I will never lose another cat to an outdoor death if I can prevent it. I, like so many others, simply wish to share that caution with others, so they don't have to feel the loss of a cherished companion. Please don’t be upset when we make the suggestion; it’s not a demand. We are just trying to help kitties and their humans. ☺
BooksandCats -
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gold kitten points
502 points
Agree with the above. If at all possible, let's keep our kittehs and goggies inside!
Smooch -
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gold kitten points
736 points
I do love sleepy kitten shots!

We live in rural NZ and are lucky because our cats can roam freely indoors and out. We don't have wild animals roaming the countryside, the only real danger is them being run over or attacked by stray dogs. Thankfully I've never lost an animal to anything other than old age, and ours love wandering the paddocks looking for mice. They spend most of their time indoors or on our deck, especially when it's very hot or very cold. All three are asleep inside now, sweet!

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