November 12, 2008
Stray Kitten calico tortoiseshell kitten
Photo Courtesy of and ©: Bethan

Comments and LOLs:
Laura, "kitten" -
this is my kind of kitten! Sticking her tongue out, lol...
Amelia -
Such beautiful eyes!
Becky -
I hope thie green eyed beauty gets a wonderful forever home...he or she deserves the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
b -
k -
the bars make me sad :(
k -
but she is supepperr cute
t -
The bars make me sad too :-(
Rachel -
Please tell me she was adopted!
val -
she's like "ugh, stupid paparazi!" CUTE!
Bailey -
LOVE HER!! pfffttthhhhtt
Bernice -
Her eyes look very sad. Hope she finds a forever home soon
chloe -
so adorable but it so sad that she/he is abandoned , how would any on wan't to get ridd of this cutey!!!!!!
chloe -
this clock is rong
EmiLy -
She's got attitude! She looks smart too
Christine -
I'll take in this kitty if no one else wants him/her. Such a cutie!
Jackie -
I will take her if she doesnt find a home.
Sue -
That's so nice that some people are ready and willing to adopt this gorgeous cat! I hope it happens for this one and all the others who need a home and are stuck behind bars or along the side of the road! Me and my 10 cats are hoping for a happy outcome!
Juwlz -
10 cats? I love this cat! He/She is so adorable sticking his/her tongue out!
Ginny B -
What a Beautiful Kitten! Hope This Little One Finds a Nice Home!
Paltiel -
Uncage this beastie!
diane -
please let it out. i'll be your best friend;
Linda -
Poor baby in jail! :(
Yowler -
JUST look at those beautiful sea-green and blue eyes! that plus the bars and little pink tongue makes for a dynamic shot! its bound to make any person turn cat-lover and run to the shelter to help a stray find a forever home...
What an angel! I want to make posters with her face and advertise spay/neuter, Don't you??
bella -
that's what i'm talking about a kitten with some attitude.i wish my cat did that
crazybella -
gold star points
28 points
that is soooooo sad.... shes in a cage....
Sondra -
"You put me in cage, I stick tongue out at you..." LOL Cute. ^-^
anoka -
silver star pointssilver star pointssilver star partial points
13 points
It's actually healthy for a cat to have one litter of kittens so neuter the little boys, but really to give a female a fuller and actually longer life wait untill after the first litter. As long as you can find them homes of course. Cats love to be mothers. My Luna was quite a mean cat prior to having babies. Being a mother calmed her down a whole lot.
anoka -
silver star pointssilver star pointssilver star partial points
13 points
This cat isn't an orphan because she was born. Whoever had her before couldn't keep her. Wether it was because the cat was too much responsibility or a financial burden, they shouldn't have had her in the first place. Ur poster should read "Don't take what you cant handle"
MissyofMissylandia -
gold kitten points
780 points
Hope she has found good forever home.
Barbara -
gold star pointsgold star pointsgold star pointsgold star partial points
89 points
This baby is so beautiful--who could fail to live this kitten. Hope a furever home was found for the beauty.
Cloanka3 -
gold star pointsgold star partial points
47 points
She is so beautiful! I hope that she/he has a wonderful family now!

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