Catherine says: When I took my first fosters -- Latte, Leccy, Tabby, and Carla -- back to Lort Smith animal hospital to be adopted out, I came home with my next fosters, sisters Mitey and Tufty. They were two or three weeks old and had been born on the mean streets. After fostering four babies, two seemed like a piece of cake! They really settled into a cushy home life, being fed and loved and fed and patted and fed and played with... I think they forgot all about life in the streets pretty quickly. Tufty thought she was a big tough little girl, but she was really a tiny mouse. Day by day she became more and more relaxed. Mitey was braver than her sister, except in the mornings. She tended to start the day feeling a little timid, like she had forgotten all the trust she had in us overnight. But inevitably she would be running all over the place by lunchtime, acting a real character and adorable. She was such a cute little mite... and mighty too!

Partway through their stay with us, Carla returned! She hadn't been adopted from the shelter yet and came down with a bit of an eye infection, so she came "home" to be nursed back to health for a few weeks. Mitey and Tufty LOVED her. Naturally there were a couple of hisses and foofy tails with the return of Carla, and the first night Carla had the bed to herself as the little ones were not sure of the sleeping arrangements with this "new" visitor. But all got sorted and they reached a very sweet and adorable arrangement. Mitey especially loved Carla... didn't understand what this huge creature was but loved her all the same, following her about and doing what she did. Talk about me and my shadow! :D

When the time came, all three we adopted into forever homes. Yipee!! I think Smoggy would have been very proud and happy.

All Photos Courtesy of and ©: Catherine D.
Catherine is a professional graphic designer; please visit the Web site of her company Faster Pussycat Productions

Smoggy's Friends: Mitey & Tufty [7]  kitten
Smoggy's Friends: Mitey & Tufty [7]  kitten
Smoggy's Friends: Mitey & Tufty [7]  kitten
Smoggy's Friends: Mitey & Tufty [7]  kitten
Smoggy's Friends: Mitey & Tufty [7]  kitten
Smoggy's Friends: Mitey & Tufty [7]  kitten
Smoggy's Friends: Mitey & Tufty [7]  kitten

Comments and LOLs:
KC -
Kitten Comment Thumbnail
(click to enlarge)
gold kitten points
811 points
Such cuties! These pictures are lovely, the L shapes and this yin-yang one :-) So glad they all found loving forever homes. I could never part with them so I can't foster :-)
mamcathod -
silver star pointssilver star pointssilver star pointssilver star points
22 points
Sweet girls, all theree :O)
Cathlee -
Kitten Comment Thumbnail
(click to enlarge)
gold star pointsgold star pointsgold star partial points
73 points
What a wonerful group of girls. I am so happy they are all adopted.
Kittykitty -
Kitten Comment Thumbnail
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silver star pointssilver star partial points
6 points
OMG so adorable
texasmom -
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black kitten pointsblack kitten pointsblack kitten points
476 points
they're both really cute.

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