December 4, 2017
calicocatfan says: I was in the middle of a busy 4-lane highway will big, growling monsters whizzing around me when one of the monsters stopped and some lady got out. She scooped me out of the road and carried me back into the monster. It was actually warm and quiet in there. I fell asleep on her lap purring for about 30 minutes when we pulled into a house. She took me inside and put me in a room with a bed and then she fed me and gave me water. She also gave me my own personal potty. The next day she took me to a place and left me for hours! They poked and prodded and jabbed me with needles. I was so glad to see her again. Three weeks later she took me back there and left me again. This time they put me to sleep and when I woke up my belly and leg hurt. I heard that I was spayed, whatever that means. Anyways, I've been here since November 1, 2017 and am now about 7 months old. The lady says she is trying to find a permanent home for me but I don't think I want to go, even though the other three cats seem to hate me. Two of them are really mean to me but as long as I stay near the lady or the man, they won't hurt me. I still get put in a separate room at night so they don't hurt me. I hope they start to like me better so I can roam free even at night.
All Photos Courtesy of and ©: calicocatfan

Freyja  kitten
Freyja  kitten
Freyja  kitten
Freyja  kitten
Freyja  kitten
Freyja  kitten
Freyja  kitten
Comments and LOLs:
Natthecat -
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gold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten points
∞ points
Freyja, how I hope you find a home where everyone loves you! I think your name means "peace," but you don't have it yet.
Natthecat -
gold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten points
∞ points
Looked up name: woman. My mom was Freda, which means peace.
calicocatfan -
gold star pointsgold star pointsgold star points
78 points
Natthecat, I picked the name because in some Norse mythology, Freyja was a goddess that had her cart drawn across the sky by two large gray longhaired cats. The longer she is in my household, the less chance I will let her go - in fact, I think she found her home. I just have to get two of the other three on board!
Natthecat -
gold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten points
∞ points
Happy to hear your decision. She is a lovely one. Good luck with the other cats.
Gabby -
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black kitten pointsblack kitten pointsblack kitten points
398 points
Freyja is a beauty!,!,! I bet she brings calm love and fun to your home!!!! Lucky you and her!!!
Gabby -
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black kitten pointsblack kitten pointsblack kitten points
398 points
Beautiful Freyja!!! Obviously a survivor with the luck of the powers that be!!!!
calicocatfan -
gold star pointsgold star pointsgold star points
78 points
Thanks for your comments. Freyja is still in my home, a friend wanted to adopt her but would have let her outdoors. Freyja is a bit too flighty to be trusted outside! She smacked her head but good on the glass door leading to the outdoors thinking she could get the squirrel sitting on the top of the steps teasing her. My other cats still make her life hell, makes me wonder if calicos just hate any cat that isn't a callie! I plan to keep her though, they will have to just deal!
Natthecat -
gold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten points
∞ points
She's another female. That's it! Females are the worst. Maybe shake things up and bring in a neutered male. Fondly, GMK commenter.
calicocatfan -
gold star pointsgold star pointsgold star points
78 points
Natthecat, well she now only has two to contend with, I had to put my Cuda (kitty #1408) down on October 15th. She was 14-1/2. I miss her so much. The other two have stepped up their aggression towards Freyja but since Freyja is now the largest kitty, they don't push her too much. Females are always the worse group to get along with, whether in the animal world or humans! And I say this as a female!
Natthecat -
gold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten points
∞ points
#calicocatfan--You offered me the chance to be Freya's godmother. I accept and will follow her in her path in life. So send more updates. Also Cuda gave you more than 14 years of love--think happy thoughts.
calicocatfan -
gold star pointsgold star pointsgold star points
78 points
Natthecat, Freyja will be glad to know there is someone out there pulling for her. How do you add updates? I've tried but can't seem to get them posted.
Natthecat -
gold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten points
∞ points
Good question.
Natthecat -
gold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten points
∞ points
Can you add photos to this site? I have had best results writing to Michael, who I think is still in charge, and will answer policy questions.
calicocatfan -
gold star pointsgold star pointsgold star points
78 points
I tried adding photos to this site. I shall continue to look for a way to update Freyja. She is such a goofball, you would love her. She has actually learned to meow, she has done it a few times to get my attention. Usually she just attacks my ankle to get my attention. Her little teeth hurt. She is rambunctious but never bares her claws. When she isn't a total goof, she is very gentle and loving. She is still afraid of the other cats and is wary of people but doesn't run or hide from them.
Natthecat -
gold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten points
∞ points
#calicocatfan--Sending you my user address to make it possible to reach me about Freyja!
Natthecat -
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gold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten points
∞ points
Susan--many sites are down so I wrote on your calicocat fan about Hemi. Our little zoomie Freyja is doing well, right?
MissyRosler -
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gold star pointsgold star pointsgold star pointsgold star points
106 points
I think she loves her new mom! Thank you for rescuing her from the monsters! She's so pretty!
calicocatfan -
gold star pointsgold star pointsgold star points
78 points
Thank you Missy. She is a sweetie, at least to me. My shoulders are her favorite perch and I have the scratches to prove it! Freyja is almost 13 pounds now, she is one large, muscular kitty!
KC -
gold kitten points
821 points
Gorgeous girl. So glad you kept her.
calicocatfan -
gold star pointsgold star pointsgold star points
78 points
Thank you KC. Freyja will turn 5 around May 1 and she is a trip. She gets the zoomies around 1 in the morning and it sounds like a herd of elephants. She and Sarajevo still hate each other so Sarajevo stays upstairs and Freyja stays downstairs. She is a total sweetie to me but it doesn't take much for her feral side to re-emerge and she is so possessive! My granddaughter sat on "her" stool and now she terrorizes her (granddaughter is 15, she can handle it).
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Haroldlouck -
Что такое гибкие кабели?
Самый простой кабель - это одножильный провод с пластиковой оболочкой.
Он может гнуться и сохраняет этот изгиб - если вы не делаете это слишком часто, потому что иначе провод ломается.
Такие простые кабели используются в домашних установках.
После установки кабель остается нетронутым в течение десятилетий.
Такие твердые провода не подходят для многих других применений, где кабели должны быть гибкими и эластичными.
Здесь проводники в жилах состоят из нитей - пучков тонких проволок, которые можно сгибать миллионы раз, в зависимости от конструкции, не ломая и не теряя свойств тока или передачи данных.
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GeorgegeokY -
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Always glad to read you! Try the embodiments described above, I did it on the first try, though I'm just a beginner! And if you have not tried the Chris method, it is also good in this situation. I recently read a solution to a similar problem <a href=>on the link</a>

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GeorgegeokY -
My sister last year has experienced this. It was a very difficult experience for her and for our family, and now we try to be careful and read the terms carefully, including the fine print. I agree with you, there is a solution, I read about it <a href=>In this text</a>
I think the article on this website: <a href=></a> will help you
Always glad to read you! Try the embodiments described above, I did it on the first try, though I'm just a beginner! And if you have not tried the Chris method, it is also good in this situation. This problem has a known solution, for example <a href=>Here</a>

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