April 24, 2010
Runefoot says: Pepper is a small black cat with huge yellow eyes. She started out as the shyest kitten in her litter, and didn't want anyone to touch her. Her first visit to petsmart was her last when I came in. All I wanted was a small black cat to name Pepper and she was the only black one there. Of course I wanted her, the worker there was trying to tell me that i might want a different one, since the little bug-eyed kitten didn't want anyone to hold her. I knew this kitten was the one for me. After 5 years of studying cats i knew how to break her through her shyness. I took her home, and of course the first thing she did was shoot under the couch. It took atleast 1 hour to get her out, but she left a little surprise for us...ew. I set her up a small kitten room for her in my closet to sleep in and she spent hours each day, not even coming out to eat, drink, or go to the bathroom. FINALLY, I lured her out on a leash, let her eat and drink, and eversince she became less and less shy. She now, believe it or not, is the craziest most hyper kitten you could imagine! She tears through the house, scratches and bites on the pillows, and on you, and now can't stand to be alone. once I step outside a burst of frantic mews come from inside. Pepper is sitting and jumping at the door. She'll cry ad cry until you go back in or let her out with you. Her unbelievably needle sharp teeth and claws like no other. She is the sweetest yet most evil little kitten around!
All Photos Courtesy of and ©: Runefoot

Pepper  kitten
Pepper  kitten
Pepper  kitten
Comments and LOLs:
michael -
black kitten pointsblack kitten pointsblack kitten points
403 points
What a wonderful story... good for you, you pulled a diamond out of the rough!
Natthecat -
gold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten points
∞ points
Yes, Michael is so right. Hope you enjoy this salty Pepper for years to come. I too have wished for a black cat lately.
Runefoot -
gold star pointsgold star partial points
44 points
Thank you! What attracted me to black cats is the pet shelter i visit often says no one wants a black cat because they are 'bad luck.' rumors like that i never believe so i just took pitty on poor little pepper!
docsquid -
gold kitten points
642 points
That is a lovely story. Cats repay the time you spend with them, and the trust you put in them.
Runefoot -
gold star pointsgold star partial points
44 points
true. i now have three cats, hoping to get a fourth i named moo.
I have Pepper, Sparta which is the one in my profile picture, she's a snowshoe and Princess a brown and white egyptian mau

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