January 1, 2009
Ord says: Oreo was a stray, sick cat that my stepson found, and after a few visits to the vet she was returned to good health. We were surprised to find out a few months later that she was pregnant. She had her litter of four kittens in my office, and she let me get photos of them every day as they were growing.

Charlay (white with grey spots) was the first to go to a friend of ours who had recently lost an older cat. We saw her few months ago. She is living happily there with two other cats. The two tabby marked ones went off to separate homes. The female was named Grace and the male was called Hobbs. After a time, Grace's owner moved away and couldn't keep her, and so she went to live with Hobbs. The two of them are doing well together. Grace did come to visit us for a few days, and we were surprised to see that at eight months old she was bigger than her mother! The grey one went to a friend of my stepson's cousin, but we haven't heard about her recently. We hope she is doing well.

Oreo is doing well with us and has become much more affectionate as she gets older. She was spayed shortly after she had her kittens, but there are a couple of cats that still come to visit from time to time and we suspect one of them is the father of her litter.

All Photos Courtesy of and ©: Ord

Comments and LOLs:
shaungrl -
Newborns for a newly born year. Sweet kittehs, happy ending.
Ginny B -
What Prescious Little Ones!
KC -
Fantastic pictures, adorable babies, beautiful mother! Happy new year to all!
Linda -
You take awesome pictures!!! What cuties! Love the pink noses & pink pads! :)
p -
What an adorable bunch of babies. Thank you so much for sharing these. You started my new year out with an AAAWWWWWWW
Barbara -
Wow.....those are beautiful pictures.I love them all,and momma is a beauty also.Makes me want to help raise another litter if I could.When my cat Gypsy came to me (she was a stray) she also brought me 5 beautiful kittens about 6 weeks later:) I loved every moment I spent with those sweet angels.I wish you all the best in this New Year,Take care.
Katie Lou and Meow Meow's Mom -
Wonderful story and fantastic photos. Thank you for sharing.
Becky P -
It looks like all of them like the camera!!!!!!!!!! All of them are lovely and I am glad all of them are in wonderful homes!!!!!!!!!
M & M -
Thank you for a very Happy New Year! A great way to start 2009. Each one of those tiny little miracles are just absolutely perfect, adorable.
Tiffany -
Absolutely beautiful!!
Auriga -
I think my heart just melted. How sweet.
Jess -
So sweet, cute, adorable and loveable!!!!!
sruthi -
i love cats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sruthi -
i love cats becuase they are so cute.
Carolyn -
The momma reminds me of my own cat, but I didn't let her have kittens! So this is what she would have looked like if she had had the chance to enjoy her own babies! Thanks so much for this.
Mushroom -
Kittehs kyoot enuff to maek ur hed go "ASPLODE!!!"
Rachel -
Those kittens are the cutest ones i have ever saw in my whole life!
b -
They are all so beautiful!!
Brittany -
AWWEEE :) they are the cutest kittens ever :) <3
Rita Z. -
Kittens are the one of the most beautiful creations the Lord
has made. I am so thankful I can see a new one everyday. They are precious.
kathy w-p -
So purrrrfectly beautiful. These are so wonderfuly innocent and touching. Thank you for the most appreciated experience.
Awesome pictures - seldom do we get to see them when they're this tiny and cute. Thanks for sharing them - Hope they are all well.
lilly -
OMG CUTE AS HELL!!!! i have never seen a cat cuter!
lucia -
bellissimi,stupendi, i love cats!
avery -
Kitten Comment Thumbnail
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its very funny
tracy -
he looks so exhausted. he's sooooo cute.
Kim -
So cute -- makes em want kittens again! Ah, but for the overpopulation...

BTW, ALL of the male cats that come around looking for Oreo could be the fathers of kittens in the litter...when female cats mate with more than one male while in heat, each can fertilize eggs, even if there are already fertilized eggs in there! That's one reason kitten in the same litter can look SO much different from each other.
the cat lady -
they are so cute! @
BSweet -
Kitten Comment Thumbnail
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Look at the haircut! What a cutie!
Rachii -
every single picture made my heart warm and fuzzy
i love these cats soo much!!!
courtney -
Kitten Comment Thumbnail
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omg! omg! omg! this is the type of cat im looking for
if any1 knows were i can get one(in uk) please tell

great cats!
ashley -
Kitten Comment Thumbnail
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to bad my aunt is algicked to them but i love them
Ruby and Rosie -
These little ones are just sooooo cute, that you just wanna bring them home! Nice to see that we're not the only ones picking up strays...
queenfeline19 -
silver star points
5 points
these babies just killed me with their cuteness! ugh! >.<

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