November 8, 2016
thru_myeye says: Pluk and Spook are my sister's cats, which kinda makes me their 'godmother' ;) They stayed at my place for a week while my sis was on vacation and we had a great time together. They explored my garbage can to the bottom, found their way in my boyfriend,s computer, and had a good fight with my tap. So maybe you can imagine it was hard to say good-bye.... It was, really. :D But fortunately I have the chance to visit them often and to enjoy these great characters.
All Photos Courtesy of and ©: thru_myeye

Pluk and Spook [4]  kitten
Pluk and Spook [4]  kitten
Pluk and Spook [4]  kitten
Pluk and Spook [4]  kitten
Pluk and Spook [4]  kitten
Pluk and Spook [4]  kitten
Pluk and Spook [4]  kitten
Pluk and Spook [4]  kitten
Comments and LOLs:
elly -
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gold kitten points
866 points
Eek , wok-cat ????
elly -
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gold kitten points
866 points
So sweet together xxxx
Sandi -
I love both of them, so adventurous and so cute !! I LOVE the action photo's, kitties being kitties with an extra dose of mischief !!
Natthecat -
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gold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten points
∞ points
A matching pair to delight the eye and spirit! Honestly, I can't tell one from the other, but apparently they can and it is just heart-warming. Love their names, too.
Natthecat -
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gold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten points
∞ points
shana0809 -
black kitten pointsblack kitten points
309 points
Beautiful boys
Gabby -
black kitten pointsblack kitten pointsblack kitten points
398 points
They are soooo cute and obviously having fun. What a great pair!!!!
LindaG -
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black kitten pointsblack kitten points
269 points
Love photos of cats in mid-leap! :-)
Golfergirl55 -
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gold kitten points
568 points
OMG they are too adorable!!!! You need a couple of kitties yourself!!!!
mma -
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gold kitten pointsgold kitten points
1405 points
They are adorable times 2!
TigerPJ -
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gold kitten points
893 points
Double little loves -- Double adorable -- Double the fun... Pluk and Spook are two terrific kitties. xo xo
TigerPJ -
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gold kitten points
893 points
LOL Spook, did you need help getting out of this funny predicament? LOL
jezebel1490 -
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black kitten pointsblack kitten pointsblack kitten points
477 points
I love their bond!
5f4super -
judymack812 -
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gold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten points
∞ points
What a wonderfully delightful duo! I love all the pictures..wish I could take pictures like that.

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