February 1, 2022
steedwang says: I have two cats. I adopted them both from my colleague. Dudu is a boy. His name came from one kind of Chinese biscuit, because they look alike. He likes to sleep with me all the time. We live in Shanghai, China.
All Photos Courtesy of and ©: steedwang

Comments and LOLs:
KC -
Kitten Comment Thumbnail
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gold kitten points
810 points
Dudu is such a sweetie - we can see how he grew big in the different pictures :-)
txmomlovell -
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black kitten pointsblack kitten points
330 points
such a smart boy
judymack812 -
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gold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten points
∞ points
I love this picture of Dudu under his little blanket.
Stonewall -
black kitten pointsblack kitten pointsblack kitten points
482 points
Ah such a little doll boy. I love his knap setup with the blanket.
One thing is very clear; Dudu is very much loved by his people.
KatvVonV -
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black kitten points
225 points
Dudu is a sweet little boy. I know you love him and he loves you too.

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