February 8, 2022
Russ says: Shii-chan is more like a dog than a cat. When he was a kitten he would cry in the house if we took the dogs for a walk without him, so we got him his own leash and took him for walks with the dogs. You can do almost anything with him -- dress him up, carry him around, etc. -- and he does not mind. In the summer we let him out in the backyard with the dogs. My daughter can call him and he comes running back in. Unlike the dogs, we can't keep him off the counters and out of the food. No amount of training seems to help and we have tried just about everything. He does not like most of the things we do to correct him, but he always comes back for more as soon as we turn our backs. Baggage handlers dropped him in his kennel while loading him onto the plane when we brought him home. Perhaps there was some permanent brain damage that prevents learning. Plus there is that odd chirping sound he makes when he sees birds outside. Who knows?
All Photos Courtesy of and ©: Russ Beinder
See more of Russ's amazing photography at his iStockphoto page
And PLEASE vote for his photo to be a finalist in the Yellow Pages photo contest!

Shii-chan [6]  kitten
Shii-chan [6]  kitten
Shii-chan [6]  kitten
Comments and LOLs:
KC -
Kitten Comment Thumbnail
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gold kitten points
811 points
He is gorgeous!!! Hard to choose a favorite photo. Almost all cats make chirping noises when they see birds outside :-)
judymack812 -
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gold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten points
∞ points
He is beautiful and all cats chirp when they see birds...hunting instinct. Also cats are very independent. They want what they want. Only correction I found that works somewhat is a spray bottle.
Redgardencat -
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gold star points
29 points
What an absolutely spectacular kitten!
I second the spray bottle (set to long range stream).
Stonewall -
black kitten pointsblack kitten pointsblack kitten points
482 points
Ah, what a drop dead gorgeous little fellow he is. And quite the poser, but on him it looks terrific.
I once tried the spray of water, but in the end I figured logic was better.
I applied it and it worked. All I had to do was give up the sprayer, and surrender and give extra treats. Oh yes, and pretty much let them run the ship.
KatvVonV -
Kitten Comment Thumbnail
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black kitten points
225 points
Shii-Chan is mighty good looking. I hope he is learning better now.

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