November 11, 2023
Claudia says: In addition to my friends Sunny and Nanny, I have other kitten friends that I see when I go out. Here is Charly, my secret love. I meet Charly always on my walk to work. Then he jumps up my leg and invites me to play. Charly likes belly rubs the best and he can't get enough. Sometimes I forget the time and come late to my work. But my chief loves cats himself and accepts Charly as excuse ;-) ;-) ;-)
All Photos Courtesy of and ©: Claudia H.

Comments and LOLs:
KC -
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gold kitten points
844 points
What a cutie!!!! I hope all three stay safe!
KatVovV -
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silver star pointssilver star pointssilver star pointssilver star points
23 points
Charly is so adorable. Stay safe!

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