November 20, 2023
Fran says: This cat is a female, something that can be seen in the three colors coat that she has. When she was even smaller, she was picked up on the motorway near my house by my young sister. This saved her life. She's called Princesa, and, as usual in the majority of "mestizos" cats, is very smart, funny, and playful. For the time when I did these photos (some months ago) she used to follow up the garden of my house and browse everything around her while I was looking for some good macros -- flowers or tiny bugs to photograph.
All Photos Courtesy of and ©: Fran.Marchena
Please visit Fran's Flickr page to see more of his beautiful photography (including bugs!)

Comments and LOLs:
KC -
Kitten Comment Thumbnail
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gold kitten points
844 points
Gorgeous pictures of this little cutie. Hope she stays safe indoors.
KittyvonV -
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gold star pointsgold star partial points
39 points
Princesa is so pretty with her green-green eyes. Stay safe in the garden!

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