January 26, 2024
Carly says: Tula is OJ's littermate. When I picked OJ up on a Friday, I saw the other kittens in the litter but wasn't sure if I wanted to have two kittens at the same time. By Monday, I decided to check and see if there were any kittens remaining from the litter, and only Tula remained. I took her home in hopes that she and OJ would play (and, in turn, let me sleep through the night and not be a chew toy). Having two kittens has afforded me the chance to sleep at night as well as the opportunity to watch them chase each other around the house, wrestle with other another, make mischief, and embark upon adventures (usually OJ's idea).

Tula is the runt of her litter, and when I adopted her, she weighed only one pound. Despite her small size, she has a large personality and a big appetite! During her tiniest days, she would insist on "helping" me cook by crawling into the hood of my hooded sweatshirt and watching over my shoulder as I made dinners. Tula is always playing with her brother as well as always trying to play with our 14-year-old golden retriever. Her meow is one of the loudest I have ever heard, and she is sure to remind me when I haven't given her enough love or have wandered off and she cannot find me. She also loves to go for rides in the car and will go for walks with the dog. I chose Tula's name (pronounced TWO-la) because she is the second cat I adopted, just three days after adopting her brother. Having two kittens is great -- I can't talk enough about how much I'm enjoying watching them grow up together!

All Photos Courtesy of and ©: Carly Goodwin

Comments and LOLs:
KC -
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gold kitten points
844 points
Tula is just too cute for words. I am so glad you took her to keep her brother company.
blodau61 -
gold star pointsgold star partial points
32 points
(At least) two are better than one in my experience ;O). She and OJ are gorgeous.
KittyvonV -
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gold star pointsgold star partial points
39 points
Tula is adorable. In this photo, I know that feeling of not wanting to get up.
texasmom -
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gold kitten points
506 points
another cutie
rosecheschi -
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silver star pointssilver star pointssilver star pointssilver star partial points
18 points
Tula, you are the cutest little thing ever!! Happy life to you all.

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