February 6, 2024
Gary and Ann Marie say: We got these cute little litter mates when they were six weeks old. They are about eight weeks old now. We got them from a friend who thought they were both males and so we called them Larry and Gary but were soon informed by the vet that Larry was a girl and so we renamed her Missy. We should have known. Missy is prissy. She has dainty little ways and cute little white paws. Even so, she can still stand her own in roughhousing with brother Gary. Gary is a young male with a happy heart and great attitude. He is going to be the kitten child that we had hoped for in that he is affectionate, playful, smart, and well behaved. Gary and Missy live with three older cats named Bart, Cookie, and Snuggers. They like to play and tease the three old cats, who have we think have actually become fond of them and seem to enjoy watching their antics. Gary has a big appetite and will eat quickly and ask for more. While writing this for the Daily Kitten, I found out that Gary really enjoys strawberry shortcake and so I had to get another one for myself. He also likes pork and beans...
All Photos Courtesy of and ©: Gary and Ann Marie Mellick

Gary and Missy [7]  kitten
Gary and Missy [7]  kitten
Gary and Missy [7]  kitten
Comments and LOLs:
KC -
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gold kitten points
844 points
what an adorable duo!
texasmom -
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gold kitten points
506 points
such cuties

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