February 7, 2024
Fantasyfan says: Pipsa was born near the Midsummer Festival as first litter for their mother Sissi at my parent's farm here in Finland. Pipsa was very cute as a kitten and she was great as cat model. She would come when ever she was called and would go great with people and farm life. But during the same summer Pipsa's mother Sissi had already another litter. To everyone's suprise Pipsa loved her little sisters. While Sissi was away Pipsa would climb into the kitten box and take care of the kittens and she was a second mom to the kittens. When the fall came, Pipsa moved to live with me and my older cat in the city. She still loves to take care of kittens of other cats and is very kitten-like herself. She does feel that the city life in indoors is quite boring, but it's the safest this way.
All Photos Courtesy of and ©: Fantasyfan
Please visit Fantasyfan's Flickr photostream to see more of Pipsa

Comments and LOLs:
KC -
gold kitten points
844 points
Pipsa is the cutest!!!! Even her name is adorable. I'm so glad she is safe at home even if she finds it slightly boring!
blodau61 -
gold star pointsgold star partial points
32 points
What a sweet little girl :O).
texasmom -
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gold kitten points
506 points
a real sweetie

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