February 9, 2024
Sara says: Kiwi was brought into my life this past January through a family friend. I looked over all the kittens, and the one and only tabby caught my attention. He was the only one that wanted to play with me while his sisters slept! My family and I agreed that I had found my new sidekick. I decided to name him Kiwi, mostly because I've always wanted my pets to have the more unusual names. He's been nothing short of a rascal since I brought him home of course. His favorite pastime is chasing ankles! Now that he's gotten bigger, he's able to jump onto the windowsill and watch the birds at my feeder. The only thing that seems to scare him is the raccoons that come around at night. Kiwi hides under the table or sits in my lap when he sees one outside the window. Even though he can be a little scamp, Kiwi's just a big ol' cuddle bug! He loves curling up on my bed next to me as I'm falling asleep. I'm really happy to have him as a pet, but even more as my best friend!
All Photos Courtesy of and ©: Sara Smith

Comments and LOLs:
blodau61 -
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gold star pointsgold star partial points
32 points
What a corker!
KC -
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gold kitten points
844 points
A very sweet boy! Lovely pictures.
texasmom -
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gold kitten points
506 points
such a sweetie

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