February 22, 2024
Karen says: We adopted Charlie about three weeks ago, after we lost our beloved cat of 16 years, Leo. When we saw this little boy he stole our hearts. Who would have thought that this little 11-week-old kitty could have such an effect? Charlie is a domestic longhair who he appears to be part Maine Coon. He is quite a character, extremely rambunctious and doesn't understand that his three-year-old sister Sophia (a Ragdoll) is more interested in lounging than playing with him. He, on the other hand, is fearless and wrestles with her every chance he gets. We have taught him to fetch and retrieve almost anything. It is a game he can play all day and fascinates us to no end. Funny --people think that fetching is only something we can teach our dogs. He does believe in downtime too; snuggling and having his belly rubbed makes his little engine purr loud. I always know where I can find Charlie because he follows us wherever we go! He was a great adoption decision, and I know in time my Sophia will be loving and grooming him as if he was hers.
All Photos Courtesy of and ©: Karen S.

Comments and LOLs:
KC -
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gold kitten points
844 points
what a beautiful, sweet boy. I'm sure Sophia has come around by now.
texasmom -
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gold kitten points
506 points
a very handsome boy
Cathlee -
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gold star pointsgold star pointsgold star partial points
74 points
Charlie is beautiful. Sounds fun-loving too.

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