February 23, 2024
Emily says: Mojo is quite an adventurous kitten. Even from the beginning when I first adopted him from the SPCA animal shelter in Dublin he wasn't afraid of anything. As I brought him home in the car, I peeked into the cat-carrier box and he looked so aware of his surroundings, not skittish like I had expected him to be. The first time I took him out into the backyard, he walked across the grass careful with each step, as if he didn't know what to think of this strange stuff. A few trips later his natural instinct clicked on and he fell in love with the outside world. Mojo will run around in the backyard for hours, chasing bugs, running through the flowers (I think he is convinced that he is really a black panther), and just getting into mischievous kitten things. When Mojo is indoors, he switches from wild hunter to loyal companion. He and my dog, Indi, will give each other kisses and cuddle on the dog bed. When I am eating a snack, Mojo and Indi sit side by side and beg for my food. At night, Mojo lays on my head, or sprawled across my neck, purring loudly until he falls asleep.
All Photos Courtesy of and ©: Emily K.

Mojo [7]  kitten
Comments and LOLs:
KC -
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gold kitten points
844 points
What a beautiful pair! I hope Mojo stays safe indoors.
texasmom -
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gold kitten points
506 points
very handsome
Cathlee -
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gold star pointsgold star pointsgold star partial points
74 points
Mojo, the Explorer. Be sfe little asventursome kitty!

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