July 5, 2024
lovinkat says: This is Orange Julius. He joined our three-cat family a while back when a colleague told me that her niece's cat had kittens and wanted to know if I'd like one. I said that I wasn't interested unless there was a fuzzy orange one. Of course there was a fuzzy orange one! Julius is a very busy cat who pursues his two main interests all day long: hunting and eating. Thankfully, he rarely eats what he hunts but that hasn't stopped him from bringing in a lot of yard fauna, much of it still alive. So far there have been many mice, birds, and lizards. Unfortunately there have been a couple of rats and one big dead crow too. The crow was lovingly placed in the hall right square in front of my bedroom door so it would be the first thing I'd see when I got up in the morning. Such a thoughtful cat!
All Photos Courtesy of and ©: lovinkat

Comments and LOLs:
KC -
Kitten Comment Thumbnail
(click to enlarge)
gold kitten points
812 points
What a beautiful little hunter. I wish he would stay indoors...
texasmom -
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black kitten pointsblack kitten pointsblack kitten points
477 points
he's so handsome
Cathlee -
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gold star pointsgold star pointsgold star partial points
74 points
Julius is brave as well as handsome.

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