April 4, 2010
Tyler Samantha June  kitten
DaTylerMonster says: Tyler is now 10 years old. She was born on a stormy night in April 2000. We joke that her birthday must have been on April 1st, because I was a cat lovin' fool to take in a 5th cat! Her new family was made up of real life brother and sister, Black LH-Domestic Jason and Jessica, a handsome flame-point Siamese boy named Redford and Amanda, a LH gray cat nicknamed Miss Lashy-tail! Although they have gone over the Rainbow Bridge now, Tyler has gained some new siblings. Spats belongs to the married couple I live with, she is a Jellicle, a Tuxedo cat w/ polydactal paws (extra toes). We co-parent Skittle the Wonder Kitty, who will probably end up with her own Kitten Klub page. We think Skittle is probably a Bronze Egyptian Mau; my guess is that the litter wasn't purebred and the breeder dumped the kittens. I'm very proud to be a kitty mom!
Photo Courtesy of and ©: DaTylerMonster

Comments and LOLs:
docsquid -
gold kitten points
642 points
The pirate stuff suits him! It sounds like you have a real handful with your family.
michael -
black kitten pointsblack kitten pointsblack kitten points
403 points
wolfgirl66 -
black kitten pointsblack kitten pointsblack kitten points
386 points
100% CUTE!!

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