August 22, 2012
Rav3nNoir says: Lillian is a sweet, spunky, sassy little calico and Snowshoe mix. She loves to play with anything that flings, has flesh or feathers, or covers a bed. She is a great mouser, very talkative, silly, unique and quite adorable. Lily also has a bit of a sweet tooth and loves to steal cookies.
All Photos Courtesy of and ©: Rav3nNoir

Lily (Updated)  kitten
Lily (Updated)  kitten
Lily (Updated)  kitten
Lily (Updated)  kitten
Lily (Updated)  kitten
Lily (Updated)  kitten
Lily (Updated)  kitten
Lily (Updated)  kitten
Comments and LOLs:
CarolB57 -
Kitten Comment Thumbnail
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gold kitten points
542 points
Lilly has a striking coloring with the strong Siamese look and traditional Calico coloring combination!
MissyofMissylandia -
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gold kitten points
780 points
This is my sweet tooth. :-)
MissyofMissylandia -
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gold kitten points
780 points
Get out of my face with that thing!
MissyofMissylandia -
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gold kitten points
780 points
tinymagnolia -
gold star pointsgold star partial points
48 points
what a stunning color combination! please post more photos- i'd love to see all of her!
KittyMom -
gold star pointsgold star pointsgold star partial points
64 points
She's beautiful!! Her favorite toy made me laugh. Isn't that always the way, you buy them all kinds of toys and they pick something you had laying around the house. My kitty loves my hair ties or big rubber bands.
giovannaciurli -
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gold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten points
∞ points
^=^ LILY and'a young lady from amezing colors,beautiful and expressive blue eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!
And'really a kitty precious and
giovannaciurli -
LOL Thumbnail
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gold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten points
∞ points
Lgoaliefan -
black kitten points
143 points
What a sweet girl Lily is. And as you mentioned, beautiful blue eyes!!!!
giovannaciurli -
LOL Thumbnail
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gold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten points
∞ points
giovannaciurli -
LOL Thumbnail
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mrskitton -
gold kitten points
584 points
Such big, beautiful blue eyes!!
docsquid -
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gold kitten points
642 points
Ooh, those eyes! She is really beautiful.
Natthecat -
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gold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten points
∞ points
Love that toothy smile!

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