December 19, 2009
Turtle  kitten
samantha1623 says: I adopted Turtle from the SPCA in Red Deer. I was just going as moral support for my friend when this little gal pounced out at me and had my heart. She's proven to be an odd one who every day makes me smile. We chase each other around, she sleeps every night with me and she has a weird fascination with water. But she's my baby.
Photo Courtesy of and ©: samantha1623

Comments and LOLs:
michael -
black kitten pointsblack kitten pointsblack kitten points
403 points
Awwwww! Adorable! Any more pix?
docsquid -
gold kitten points
642 points
She is very beautiful, I can see why you couldn't leave her behind!

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