August 28, 2011
nanees1 says: A friend's cat had a litter of kittens. She knows I’m a cat lover, so every time she saw me she would tell me how cute they were and ask me if I wanted one. I said no. I didn’t need a kitten! I already had a German shepherd and four adult cats. One day I stopped to visit and see the kittens. Of course I feel in love with all of them, and six-week-old Casey came home with me.

He was so tiny! I had four adult cats, would he get hurt? I was confident I could get everyone to accept him; I just didn’t know how long it would take. Our German shepherd, Zeke, was very curious and wanted to sniff Casey from head to toe. Our cats, Jake, LeAnne, Sambuca, and Onyx made their displeasure known by hissing and running every time Casey walked in their direction. I was relieved they didn’t seem inclined to swat. In hindsight, they probably should have swatted. I kept Casey and his litter box in our bedroom at first. I didn’t want him roaming the house until I was sure everyone was getting along. In the middle of the night I would wake up because Casey would be tapping me on the face. I’d open my eyes and see this wide-awake kitten who now wanted to play. Of course, we played.

About a week into Casey’s joining our family, I noticed Casey walking up to Sambuca and touching him. Sambuca did not hiss this time which surprised me. Casey touched Sambuca again. This time the touch lasted longer. Again, there was no hissing. The third time there was no tentative touch; Casey jumped onto Sambuca’s back and began biting! I froze. To my relief and delight, Sambuca began playing with Casey! The next challenge on Casey’s list was Onyx. He tried the same technique that worked with Sambuca but with less success, until one day I placed a brand-new cat bed on the floor and both Casey and Onyx wanted it. Onyx is 16 pounds and took up the entire bed. After hopping around the cat bed for a few minutes, Casey took the leap and attacked Onyx! While Onyx has yet to play back, he is adjusting to the periodic kitten attacks that come his way. But it was Casey's attack on our shepherd Zeke that was the cutest! Here was our 95-pound dog being attacked by a two-pound kitten with the kitten winning!

It’s been three weeks since Casey came to live with us. Our house is livelier! I laugh constantly at his antics and I am so very glad I got a kitten! It turns out I needed a kitten after all!

All Photos Courtesy of and ©: nanees1

Casey [redux]  kitten
Casey [redux]  kitten
Casey [redux]  kitten
Casey [redux]  kitten
Casey [redux]  kitten
Casey [redux]  kitten
Casey [redux]  kitten
Casey [redux]  kitten
Casey [redux]  kitten
Casey [redux]  kitten
Comments and LOLs:
paulajeanne -
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gold kitten points
629 points
paulajeanne -
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gold kitten points
629 points
MomcatSooma -
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gold kitten points
930 points
The face of a confident little trouble-maker. Haha! Casey is so far beyond adorable, I can't even describe it. Your description of him has helped me to fall deeply in love with him. :-)
CarolB57 -
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gold kitten points
542 points
What a cutie little Casey is, and what a good & patient dog! ;)
amycats -
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gold kitten points
641 points
Hurray for Casey!...hurray for Zeke! hurray for all of Casey's "brothers and sisters"!... and a big HURRAY for Nanees!
amycats -
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gold kitten points
641 points
I love this picture, too. It seems to catch the "spirit" or "character" of Casey..? !
lisaboese -
gold kitten points
674 points
Oh, my, what a completely adorable bundle of liveliness and fun Casey is-- --you made a great choice!!!!
skyeltd -
LOL Thumbnail
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black kitten points
249 points
Natthecat -
gold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten points
∞ points
Refuse to choose a favorite shot. Casey is a life force and loved the story of his adoption. Good job. Must admit that Zeke's expression is priceless!
jtsagen -
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gold star pointsgold star pointsgold star partial points
59 points
Looks like this adorable litte one has found a home! Moved right in and lovin it.
mma -
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gold kitten pointsgold kitten points
1405 points
Your story of your housemates is heartwarming; very sweet; I love all the photos. The expressions on Zeke's face are priceless and Casey is adorable...
Shell -
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silver star points
5 points
Wonko -
LOL Thumbnail
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gold star points
28 points
megatha427 -
black kitten pointsblack kitten pointsblack kitten points
381 points
Casey is such a riot and hysterical little guy! It's always funny to see how the older animals react to the mischievous fur babies <3 Have fun with all of them!
Snowysmom -
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black kitten pointsblack kitten pointsblack kitten points
395 points
Casey is adorable, and I love your story! It seems your pet family gets along famously, and that's wonderful!
Lynda -
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gold star pointsgold star pointsgold star pointsgold star partial points
94 points
Looks like Casey is well loved by all !!!!
BirmanMama -
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gold kitten points
951 points
So many cute photos of a real cutie. I love his story and love those photos of him with his new sisters and brothers. Wonderful that the big fur kids are being so tolerant of his antics.
SueBee -
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Onyx: Get me out of here!!!!!
kittymum -
bronze star pointsbronze star points
2 points
That's made me smile from ear to ear. Everybody needs a kitten...the world would be a much happier place :o)
JayPea -
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black kitten points
234 points
Best - Picture - Ever!!!!!
deinemuse -
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gold star pointsgold star points
52 points
kingarthyr -
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gold star pointsgold star partial points
31 points
kibblegirl -
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gold kitten pointsgold kitten points
1057 points
What a darling photo of Casey in the crystal bowl. He is so adorable and so tiny to be able to fit into the bowl. I am glad that you got a kitten as they really are so much fun. So many great photos. I especially liked the ones with Casey's siblings.
kibblegirl -
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gold kitten pointsgold kitten points
1057 points
Love the expression on Zeke in this photo. Priceless!
itigger2 -
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black kitten pointsblack kitten points
277 points
A tisket a tsaket what hansome kitty in the basket
texasmom -
black kitten pointsblack kitten pointsblack kitten points
485 points
all of the pics are just precious! poor Zeke looks like he says "help!" haha
Manicat -
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I agree with JayPea and others about this picture- it is priceless and Zeke's expression is fantastic!
SharonK1973 -
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gold star pointsgold star pointsgold star partial points
59 points
I think everyone needs a kitten like Casey!
Shirley -
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black kitten pointsblack kitten points
267 points
Zeke is a good doggie!!! Little Casey is adorable!
ecfu -
silver star pointssilver star partial points
9 points
I was going to do the same exact LOL as Wonko, haha! I LOVE this kitten :)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wolfgirl66 -
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black kitten pointsblack kitten pointsblack kitten points
386 points
This dog and kitty are very adorable! They make me smile!
ressacat -
LOL Thumbnail
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silver star pointssilver star partial points
9 points

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