Julie says: Once Toby was a big, healthy boy, I nursed another tiny, sick kitten back to health. I originally named him Stormy because, with his black-and-gray mottled fur, he looked like a storm cloud. My sister renamed him Cinder. We never did settle. Sometimes I called him Goblin because he was so ugly. Pick your fave. He was a boy. And from the start, Toby was as hostile towards Stormy as Cally had been towards him.

Like Toby, Stormy also came from my friend Michelle. She was dealing with two stray mother cats with litters, but one of the mothers died. She put both litters on the surviving mother cat, but Stormy was so small, he couldn't compete for the milk. He needed to be hand fed. He was five weeks old, but he was the runt of the litter - very small, very weak. I fed him the kitten milk, but he had constant diarrhea. I had to give him a bath two times a day. As soon as I could, I got him eating soft cat food and then his digestive tract was much better. His eyes were also constantly gooped up, sometimes glued shut with gunk. I kept washing them clean and they gradually got better.

Eventually Stormy gained strength and began to roll on his back and bat at my fingers playfully. After he could eat by himself, I returned him to Michelle and he reintegrated with his cat family. She found a forever home for him with a family in Jackson, Michigan, a father with two boys. I don't know what they named him.

All Photos Courtesy of and ©: Julie Falk
Julie's photo blog Framework of the Heart is not to be missed, especially her photos of snowflakes!!

Stormy/Cinder/Goblin (and Toby) [6]  kitten
Stormy/Cinder/Goblin (and Toby) [6]  kitten
Stormy/Cinder/Goblin (and Toby) [6]  kitten
Stormy/Cinder/Goblin (and Toby) [6]  kitten
Comments and LOLs:
KC -
gold kitten points
786 points
Poor little sweet baby. Two baths a day! Sheer torture :-( Glad he got better and found a forever home.
KatVonV -
Kitten Comment Thumbnail
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black kitten points
209 points
Stormy/Cinder/Goblin, you are just so cute with your stormy-colored fur. I am glad you were taken care of and found a home. Hope you are doing well and you seldom have to have a bath!
txmomlovell -
Kitten Comment Thumbnail
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black kitten pointsblack kitten points
330 points
glad he got better.
judymack812 -
Kitten Comment Thumbnail
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gold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten points
∞ points
I think he is adorable and he probably would have become a failed foster. I am a suckered for the sick ones. I love all the names you gave him!
Stonewall -
black kitten pointsblack kitten pointsblack kitten points
482 points
Wow, that is some detailed back story.
And it's true that each of the names assigned to this wee mite were in themselves accurate;and if you look at that last photo, this little one has put on weight, and his fever coat is starting to dissipate around his face and on his head.
Yes! this little one is going to be just fine.in fact, he already is! .

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