November 16, 2023
Devin says: Rupert is a rescue kitten. The woman who fostered him (I adopted him at nine weeks) said he was set to be euthanized. How could I let him go?? He is very frisky and playful, always into something. For such a sweet face, he really is a little monster sometimes. But of course, he also has a sweet cuddly down side. He loves to sit purring on my lap while I edit photographs, and sleeps in between my boyfriend and me at night. His one-year birthday is coming up soon and I'm so happy to have him as my new best buddy.
All Photos Courtesy of and ©: Devin O'Shaughnessy
Please visit Devin's Flickr photostream to see more of her beautiful photos

Comments and LOLs:
KC -
Kitten Comment Thumbnail
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gold kitten points
844 points
What a cutie, such a sweet, worried expression! So glad he was saved and is loved and happy.
rosecheschi -
silver star pointssilver star pointssilver star pointssilver star partial points
18 points
Rupert, you have such beautiful eyes. :)
KatVovV -
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silver star pointssilver star pointssilver star pointssilver star points
23 points
Rupert is so beautiful. He reminds me of honey,
texasmom -
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gold kitten points
506 points
he's a handsome kitty
judymack812 -
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gold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten points
∞ points
How could anybody euthanize this kitten after looking into those eyes!
rosecheschi -
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silver star pointssilver star pointssilver star pointssilver star partial points
18 points
I often wonder how cats know that it’s not another cat that’s in the mirror. My cats are the same way.

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