January 30, 2024
Laurabelle says: Saltine was born on April Fools Day in New Orleans, Louisiana. We call her Saltine because she's so sweet she's salty! (A little nonsense is good for you now and then.) Saltine was probably about three months old in these photos, very playful and fun -- if somewhat difficult to catch in a pose. She's always loved those little pompoms and was having a ball chasing them. Her nicknames are Puff Kitty, the Great Saltini, Bitey McWhitething, the Galloping Gato, and Flopsy. Her hobbies are playing in boxes and bags, chasing bugs (and eating them), playing Puff Kitty with daddy (aka chase with attitude). Other favorite things are playing with mommy and daddy’s toes, feathers, plastic rings, Rescue Mouse (fave stuffed toy), and of course, catnip! Current occupations: Verminator, patrolling the yard, rolling in the grass on breezy days, and taking catnaps in the sun.
All Photos Courtesy of and ©: Laurabelle1

Comments and LOLs:
KC -
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gold kitten points
821 points
What a little darling! Amazing eye colors. Hope she stays safe indoors.
KittyvonV -
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gold star pointsgold star partial points
39 points
Saltine is very pretty. Stay safe when you are outside!
texasmom -
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485 points

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