Peter says: When we were choosing which of our cat Bailey's kittens to keep (to replace our recently departed Simba), my wife found Pluiz to be the prettiest of the females. But I found that Pluck was maybe not as pretty as Pluiz but was so0o0o0 energetic that if one should stay with us it should be PLUCK!! But since Pluck was so playful with her pretty sister Pluiz, it was obvious to me that this was a two-for-one deal not to be passed up. :) It took me a little convincing, but eventually the wife agreed, and we could not be more happy with our choice to keep both. They are a lovely couple that definitely enriched our life and made the hole that Simba left in our heart a lot smaller. We miss Simba tremedously still and we always will, but his passing made the way free for PLUCK and PLUIZ. That's life I guess. One door closes and another one opens...
All Photos Courtesy of and ©: Peter Jongeneel

Comments and LOLs:
mamcathod -
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gold star points
25 points
Looks to me like she's saying, "You will do what I tell you, or face the consequences!" in this pic!
KC -
gold kitten points
821 points
They are both equally beautiful and sweet. I am very glad you kept both!
texasmom -
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black kitten pointsblack kitten pointsblack kitten points
485 points
a cutie
Cathlee -
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gold star pointsgold star pointsgold star partial points
74 points
Pluck is indeed pretty. Glad you kept both.

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