June 9, 2024
Oscar says: This is my Maine Coon Kitten. Her name is Bastet... after the Egyptian cat goddess. A handful and a half to put it mildly. :) For years i always wanted a Maine Coon. One day while looking up breeders I found one very close to my home in Newport, Oregon. I drove out and checked out the cattery of the breeder and was blown away with the breeder's setup and complete love for the breed. I was put on a waiting list and three months later a litter of two kits were born. I went and fell in love with Bastet.

Bastet is not even close to what I thought she would be. I have two pugs with whom she has bonded in a way that I never expected. They play with each other and wrestle with each other. It's not unusual to hear a "kitten battle cry" as Bastet launches herself off the top level of her cat tree to land on Rico, my pug. At that point it's a tossup who will win since neither concedes defeat. Smokey, my Persian mix, is not as easy to convince. She still rules my home with a iron paw, and as far as she is concerned Bastet is just a "uglier pug."

All Photos Courtesy of and ©: Oscar Mantha

Comments and LOLs:
KC -
Kitten Comment Thumbnail
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gold kitten points
822 points
Beautiful girl! So glad she gets along with your pugs. Pugs rule :-)
mamcathod -
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gold star points
25 points
She likes to use that tongue!
texasmom -
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black kitten pointsblack kitten pointsblack kitten points
485 points
Cathlee -
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gold star pointsgold star pointsgold star partial points
74 points
Bestet has beautiful colorings. I am sure she churps like a bird too, as does my Freddy the Maine cpoon does.

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