April 7, 2010
docsquid says: Willoughby was adoped from a local cat rescue when he was about 8 weeks old. He is now 15! We found out pretty quickly that he has learning difficulties - he really isn't very clever at all. But he is very, very happy. He loves to sleep on my husband's pillow, and purrs all night. He has difficulty with the cat flap, and really, really doesn't like the vet! Otherwise he is an old softie, who loves to be with us, loves to purr, loves to sleep, and particularly likes to relax in the sun. His hips are a bit stiff now, but he can still hurtle around the house when he wants to.
All Photos Courtesy of and ©: docsquid

Willoughby  kitten
Willoughby  kitten
Comments and LOLs:
Natthecat -
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The big stretch! Yes, cats really know how to be happy, or at least content. They can teach us a great deal.

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