August 19, 2011
tooeviltolove says: This is my two together but this is exclusively pictures of them together. The other pages are for them individually. They get catty (no pun intended) but they very clearly love each other. We had three cats, left with us by a roommate who decided to go into the military. My sister was begging me to take her furry babies but I already had my hands full and told her I couldn't do it. Now my sister is the sort of person that really loves animals, but can't really afford to take them to the vet or give them the care they really need. Her heart is in the right place but she really shouldn't have pets. After she had her second son I stayed in the hospital with her and went to her house when they released her. When I got there it was raining. Two tiny little fuzz babes, that shouldn't have been away from momma yet were outside. Dripping wet, they were gnawing swollen food in a bowl outside. I then witnessed her husband feeding them pizza crust. They followed us around and gave us the most pitiful miaow you ever could hear. When we went to leave they followed us to the car. My boyfriend and I looked at each other and there was no need to say anything. I looked at him sadly and said "we can't leave them here". He looked back and said "no we can't". We went inside and got a box and the few things she had for them and took them home. For the first few weeks they stayed in a room separate from the other three. We had to save up the money to take them to see a vet. They were lovable and happy to be inside a house. My sister had told me they were girls but I noticed my orange baby budding into a little boy. We watched and considered what they should be named. The little orange boy seemed clever but slow to think. Playful and lovable. He avoided confrontation if he could but when it was sitting in front of him he didn't back down. At the time his eyes were gold. I named him Perrin. I told my boyfriend he could name the other and it would be nice if we kept them from the same series. She was sneaky and conniving, a diva that wanted all the attention. She put her brother up to things and sat their patiently watching as he did something he shouldn't be doing. He chose to name her Lanfear. We took them to the vet and they told us (after having them for about two weeks) that they were about 8 weeks old. :( Poor babies. We had them de-wormed (round worm), flea treated, and treated for ear mites. Eventually we released them from their cell into Gen-pop. The other three had mixed emotions about them. Here we are several years later. Perrin is shy in that he doesn't go up to just anybody. He like his petting but only really cuddles with mom and dad. He's a sprawler and likes to splay out any old way he can. He has a very tiny meow and only seems to like talking a lot when I am trying to sleep. I think he likes the sound of his own voice since he tends to wander through the house miaowing as load as his little squeak will go. Lanfear, is a diva, she can be highstrung as she runs or growls at almost any noise and frequently hides. Only to come running out if she realizes Perrin is getting pettings and she isn't. She tends to curl up when she sleeps and often covers her face with her paws. She is very talkative any time of day or night. You can hold a conversation with her if you don't mind the fact that her abrasive meow sounds like she is constantly complaining at you.
All Photos Courtesy of and ©: tooeviltolove

Lanfear and Perrin  kitten
Lanfear and Perrin  kitten
Lanfear and Perrin  kitten
Comments and LOLs:
Natthecat -
gold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten points
∞ points
You know, I have an early picture of my two that is a copy of this! Doesn't happen more than once a day now. They are a year and a half approximately. Too sophisticated for snuggles and rumbles.
lisaboese -
gold kitten points
674 points
Beautiful kitties!!!
tooeviltolove -
gold star pointsgold star pointsgold star partial points
64 points
They are two now. They still cuddle a little, bathe each other some. Mostly they just chase each other through the house.
tooeviltolove -
gold star pointsgold star pointsgold star partial points
64 points
I noticed the other day Lanfear has permanent "Buttless" Chaps. Hahaha.
MissyofMissylandia -
gold kitten points
780 points
Super cute. They have a happy life.
cpneale -
black kitten points
163 points
god bless you for taking them in!! they are soo cute!
tooeviltolove -
gold star pointsgold star pointsgold star partial points
64 points
I love my fuzzy babies. ^_^ They make us very happy.
tinymagnolia -
gold star pointsgold star partial points
48 points
adorable! from which book series did you get their names?
tooeviltolove -
gold star pointsgold star pointsgold star partial points
64 points
@tinymagnolia The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan.

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