November 18, 2023
Bigbird3 says: One of our cats crossed over the Rainbow Bridge on 10 August. When a colleague at work said her cat was having kittens we decided we would like to take on one of the kittens as a companion for Mojo, our other cat. Kaiser was born on 13 August (he has the same birthday as my husband and like him is a typical Leo -- loving, but wants to be the centre of attention all the time!) Kaiser's mother is Holly, a white-and-tabby beauty, and his father an ex-feral tabby polydactyl called Digit. He was one of three in the litter. Why did we choose him? When we visited my colleague to pick a kitten, Kaiser gave a big meow when I picked him up and then then snuggled under my chin and fell asleep. He was my baby boy!! Kaiser is the brightest kitten we have ever had, and we have had a few in our time. When I work on the computer he always likes to see what is going on and tries to stick his head right in the printer when I'm printing. He watches TV constantly. Recently I was channel hopping when I came across a programme about cats in the womb. The programme compared domestic felines and lions. It was most interesting and Kaiser was fascinated to learn how he had been born. He is always helping out in the garden. He likes to investigate everything and has already been chased by our neighbour's dog (whom he was trying to make friends with) and been stung by a bee. (He had a big old swollen cheek and nose -- poor baby.) He loves shredding kitchen roll and tissues and has recently learnt how to use a door handle to open the door . Not bad for a seven month old! Kaiser is a real clown and loves having fun. But he still loves to snuggle under my chin when he can -- though it is a tight squeeze these days. LOL
All Photos Courtesy of and ©: Bigbird3

Kaiser [7]  kitten
Comments and LOLs:
KC -
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gold kitten points
821 points
What a personality :-) Such a cutie!
KittyvonV -
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gold star pointsgold star partial points
39 points
Kaiser is one smart kitty. So cute with his stripes.
rosecheschi -
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silver star pointssilver star pointssilver star pointssilver star partial points
18 points
How cute Kaiser.
judymack812 -
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gold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten points
∞ points
I love him! He looks just like my Tiny who was my favorite cat ever. I bet he is your favorite cat also

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