April 3, 2024
misteraitch says: Murphy is a fun-loving cat who particularly enjoys playing with strings, ribbons, and lengths of yarn. He is also partial to chasing after laser pointers. He relishes the challenge of climbing up on top of tall things, while in quieter moods he likes nothing better than watching the world go by from a window ledge. He is affectionate and something of a lap-cat, but, meanwhile, a cuddle can turn into a sudden attack of play-biting at the shortest notice.
All Photos Courtesy of and ©: misteraitch

Comments and LOLs:
KC -
Kitten Comment Thumbnail
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gold kitten points
821 points
what a gorgeous boy with amazing eyes. But I can't resist a cat yawn so I'm putting this picture in the comments.
blodau61 -
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gold star pointsgold star partial points
32 points
Poor soggy moggy! Murphy's gorgeous.
texasmom -
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black kitten pointsblack kitten pointsblack kitten points
485 points
such a handsome kitty
Cathlee -
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gold star pointsgold star pointsgold star partial points
74 points
Murphy is beautiful and sounds fun to play with.

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