Jill says: This was our first litter we fostered for the Fredericton SPCA. We got them when they were seven weeks old and had them for two weeks. They liked to cuddle up together to sleep as you can see in the photos!

Sprocket was the only boy in the litter and he was hilarious. He LOVED to sleep. All the other kitties would be playing and he'd just flop over on his back, paws in the air, and go to sleep. He was really cuddly and loved to be on your lap. He also loved kitty treats and would try to steal his sisters'!

Coco was one of the prettiest cats I've seen. She had a black head and legs, white paws, and the prettiest colour of silver all over her back. We thought she looked like a little silver fox. She was very petite and I'm sure she will be an absolutely beautiful cat when she grows up. She was also very smart and loved chasing her feather boa toy around the house.

Fudge-o and Oreo were twins. They were little black puffballs with different white marking on their noses. Fudge-o loved climbing and seemed to be able to get over or under every barrier we set up between rooms! Oreo loved chasing toy mice and wrestling with her sisters.

Fudge-o and Coco went to the same home, and the other two found homes within a week of us returning them.

All Photos Courtesy of and ©: Jill Hudgins
If you're in New Brunswick, please consider supporting the Fredericton SPCA

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More Fosters in Fredericton [7]  kitten
More Fosters in Fredericton [7]  kitten
More Fosters in Fredericton [7]  kitten
More Fosters in Fredericton [7]  kitten
More Fosters in Fredericton [7]  kitten
Comments and LOLs:
KC -
Kitten Comment Thumbnail
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gold kitten points
821 points
What a lovely litter! So glad they all found loving homes.
texasmom -
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black kitten pointsblack kitten pointsblack kitten points
485 points
they all look so sweet

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