March 13, 2023
Bob was only 6 weeks old when he was trapped by a neighbor who thought he was a bobcat kitten because he didn't have a tail. I knew by the picture they sent me of him in the trap, that he just a tabby kitten so I went and picked him up! I already had 6 cats and did not need another one but when I brought him home my husband fell in love with him and we decided to keep him!! We have no idea what happened to his tail but it looked painful and red. We took him to the vet the next day to have his tail fixed. Everyone at the vet fell in love with him and I had to think of a name to put on his chart so I just said Bob, but that could change. The vet was able to find enough skin to fold over the end of his tail after taking off the damaged part and he healed very nicely. He is the cutest kitten, and I know all kittens are cute but he has something extra special about him. Bob has fit in with our fur family pretty well. He has made friends with Sylvia who is about 10 months old and they play all the time, making us laugh daily! Bob also made friends with Ginger, who is very patient with his kitten antics! Bob has brought so much joy to our home and we have only had him almost two months now! We don't know how long he had been separated from his mother or why he was by himself. We looked for other kittens and the mother but didn't find anything. He must have been by himself for a while because he likes to comfort nurse on our necks! Anytime he is scared or misses us, he cries to be picked up and immediately starts to suckle! It is so cute but it tickles!! I wanted to name him something that matched his cuteness but everyone keep calling him Bob so it stuck. Bob the cat!
All Photos Courtesy of and ©: kimgrant777

Bob [3]  kitten
Bob [3]  kitten
Bob [3]  kitten
Bob [3]  kitten
Bob [3]  kitten
Bob [3]  kitten
Bob [3]  kitten
Bob [3]  kitten
Bob [3]  kitten
Bob [3]  kitten
Comments and LOLs:
KC -
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gold kitten points
821 points
Such a cutie!!!!! His poor little tail. Good thing it has all healed and so glad you saved him and gave him a loving home.
Kvv -
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gold star pointsgold star pointsgold star pointsgold star partial points
95 points
Little Bob cat is so sweet. I am glad you took care of him and now he has other kitties to play with. He has so a beautiful soulful face.
texasmom -
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black kitten pointsblack kitten pointsblack kitten points
485 points
sleepy time
judymack812 -
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gold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten pointsgold kitten points
∞ points
Bob looks just like my Tiny when he was a baby. Tiny was by my side for 18 years and I was crushed when his time came. I am sure you still have Bob and thank you for rescuing him!!

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